Ron Evans
2 min read
“Signal Boosting Your Messages”
If you’re a marketer, you’ve stared at your internal databases and said “if we could only get these people to share our message with...
Ron Evans
2 min read
The Power of Suggestion
“Are you ready for the best iced Americano you’ve ever had?” Whoa. “Absolutely,” I said. This exchange happened this morning, as the...
Ron Evans
2 min read
Who Knows How To Fire The Torpedoes?
I recently completed work with a nonprofit client who runs music programs for at-risk youth. It’s a great organization, and a worthwhile...
Ron Evans
1 min read
Putting The Fun Back Into Fundraising
The leaves are falling, and so is the temperature. That can only mean… it’s nearly time for end-of-the-year fundraising. I can picture...
Ron Evans
4 min read
Arts Professional: Spying On Your Audiences
This week, Arts Professional published my latest article on observational research, which they have titled “Spying On Your Audiences.”...
Ron Evans
2 min read
Using Emotion To Differentiate
Last week, I talked about the attention you gain by being different. Strong brands often use emotion to differentiate themselves. Have...
Ron Evans
2 min read
Falconry And Employee Behavior
While on the road last week, I heard a story on NPR about how a French theme park is sending an interesting behavioral message. Puy du...
Ron Evans
1 min read
Skills Vs. Dedication
I was working on advisory retainer with a client recently, and the client’s marketing person put in her two-week notice. We were...
Ron Evans
3 min read
The Benefits Of Working For A Nonprofit
In the last two weeks, three people I know have either quit their nonprofit job to take a higher-paying for-profit job, or are...
Ron Evans
2 min read
“Won’t You Take Me To Scootertown?” : Establishing A New Category
San Jose, California, like many other cities, is seeing an explosion of electric scooters. The model is neat: pick up any scooter you...