Ron Evans
2 min read
Adapting Auctioneer Tactics to Marketing
Have you ever seen a charity auctioneer work a crowd to get the money flowing on an auction item? It requires a masterful balance of...

Ron Evans
1 min read
Putting The Fun Back Into Fundraising
The leaves are falling, and so is the temperature. That can only mean… it’s nearly time for end-of-the-year fundraising. I can picture...

Ron Evans
4 min read
Arts Professional: Spying On Your Audiences
This week, Arts Professional published my latest article on observational research, which they have titled “Spying On Your Audiences.”...

Ron Evans
2 min read
Testosterone Levels, Social Status, and Luxury Brands
There is a river of research flowing daily by my desk. While I was checking the nets recently, this study caught my eye. Researchers have...

Ron Evans
2 min read
Reacting to Tigers
Last week, a raccoon climbed 25 stories up the side of the UBS Plaza building in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the internet blew a gasket. The...

Ron Evans
2 min read
Easy project reporting
As you plan for an experiment, decide in advance if you want to release the results to the public. If you do, there are easy steps you...