Ron Evans
2 min read
Why aren’t people buying? Don’t succumb to “Me-Theory.
I remember working with an arts client a couple of years ago to set prices on classes they were offering. My client and I were sitting...

Ron Evans
1 min read
Skills Vs. Dedication
I was working on advisory retainer with a client recently, and the client’s marketing person put in her two-week notice. We were...

Ron Evans
3 min read
The Benefits Of Working For A Nonprofit
In the last two weeks, three people I know have either quit their nonprofit job to take a higher-paying for-profit job, or are...

Ron Evans
1 min read
How Approachable Are You?
I’ve talked before about the importance of putting yourself in the midst of those you serve. There are incredible benefits in...

Ron Evans
3 min read
Taking Aim At Ticketing Exchange Fees
One of the areas I focus on with clients is how to maximize returns when setting various “levels” of donation or ticket purchase. When...