Cultural spaces everywhere have seen a huge drop in demand for in-person performances and exhibits. Twenty percent capacity isn’t going to cut it. I know you understand why audiences are fearful. But you hate to see those empty seats.
We all have a couple of choices. We can sit and wait for demand to trickle back in, or we can do something to actively restore demand.
Welcome to a little program I’m calling Demand Club.
The goal of Demand Club is to move your needle to restore demand to in-person performances.
This is how we do it:
Ron Evans' Demand Club™
Creates a small group of non-competitive leaders at the Exec./Artistic/Managing Director level, who collaborate for 90 minutes every two weeks, to accountably help each other drive demand
Makes space for you and your staff to design and execute experiments, report on results, and learn (and implement) the results of other organizations
Allows your peers to review your plans to maximize impact and minimize confusion
Shares resources (Covid communications, scenario planning documents, etc.) to save you and your teams’ time
Discusses consumer trends and explores how to adapt them to your situation
Celebrates your hits, supports your misses, and creates peace of mind that you’re specifically applying resources to restore and increase your in-person demand, as you help other organizations to do the same
I want this to be accessible to any organization. So, I’m making this program Pay What You Can. The suggested fee is $2,500; any amount is acceptable. If you want to do focus your efforts and do something about those empty seats, reply to this email or reach me at ron@askronevans.com with your interest.
We’re stronger together. Let’s do this.
Let’s discuss the challenges you are facing, and make a plan today.