Ron Evans
2 min read
Infinite Data, Infinite Anxiety.
If you’re a parent, do you have access to a “parent grade portal” (PGP)? No more kids “losing their report cards” on the way home from...

Ron Evans
2 min read
“The Attention That Comes From Being Different”
KPIG is a local radio station (107.5 FM in Freedom, CA) and recently I had it on as I was driving. It’s an eclectic mix, to say the...

Ron Evans
2 min read
Reacting to Tigers
Last week, a raccoon climbed 25 stories up the side of the UBS Plaza building in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the internet blew a gasket. The...

Ron Evans
2 min read
Being the Host
When coaching clients ask me how they should focus their marketing, I ask what they have done to date. Often, they discuss what...

Ron Evans
2 min read
True Measurements
Reflect on how the day went. What did you measure today? We all know about measuring effectiveness. The question is: are you measuring...