What’s the real secret of nonprofit marketing? All the patrons you need already know about you. Your organization has thousands of people on your email list, on social media, etc. But the vast majority aren’t responding. If they did, you’d be selling out several times over.
They don’t need more marketing from you. They need more motivation from you.
Over an intense 90 days, I will personally work with you to shock your dormant supporters back into action. Specifically, I’ll be implementing my 4Rs Framework:
Repurchase: Implementing a system to influence first-time customers to buy a second time.
Resurrect: Waking up dormant customers who have experienced your offerings in the past, but have stopped responding.
Recharge Urgency: Accelerating purchases from existing customers to lock them in and get you the cashflow now.
Reward Word-of-Mouth: Motivating your existing supporters to bring new people to you.
Consider the long-term benefits of activating dormant supporters: additional earned revenue. Additional contributed revenue. Renewed buzz and interest. A reduced marketing workload and reallocation of effort to other profitable endeavors, to name a few. Are you ready?

“Thank you so much! This is all such fantastic work. I love that there could be really concrete (and sometimes simple) fixes. I also love how the rating system as well as your presentation really challenged the grantees to think about their online marketing in terms of quantifiable measurements – something that I think they are not used to doing, but now with the technology are able to pretty easily. I am pleased to see CCF arts grantees already implementing suggestions and seeing results.”
Leslie Ito
Program Officer, California Community Foundation

“For his deep knowledge of marketing and the Internet (and where the two come together), his passion and commitment to his work, his natural gifts as a teacher and discussion moderator, his impressive connections in the field (through whom he continuously enriches his base of knowledge), and his all-around likable and generous demeanor, I give Ron my highest recommendation.”
Matthew Campbell
Director of External Relations, Stanford Lively Arts

"It was a pleasure learning from Ron's expertise and deep knowledge of marketing during the course of the ENGAGE: Arts and Marketing Social Media Workshop Series presented by the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. Ron went above and beyond as the program designer and spent time individually analyzing each participating organization's marketing channels while giving strategic insight and advice into each participant's work. What is especially great about learning from Ron is his passion for understanding and implementing CURRENT marketing trends. Many marketing companies tend to give out dated data; Ron not only gave current and relevant information, he allowed us insight into his studies. I highly recommend his services, and look forward to working with him in the future."
Carlos Rodriguez
Marketing Manager, Levitt Pavilions

“Your interactive presentation energized everyone and provided our members with great inspiration and new ideas and techniques about ways to engage their current and prospective audiences… Your framework for the different reasons people will commit to buy helped people think about transactions in a different way… Our entire team at CultureSource wishes to express our gratitude!”
Maud Margaret Lyon
Executive Director, CultureSource